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The Rocks Market, Sydney

Market stalls under sails and streets lined with sidewalk cafes are some of the attractions of The Rocks Market, which is held every weekend.            Picture: ©

The Rocks Market an adventure through streets lined with cafes and stalls


Situated at the northern end of George Street and in the surrounding sidestreets, this is the major tourist market in Sydney.


Open on Saturdays and Sundays between 10am and 5pm, the market is a permanent fixture in The Rocks throughout the year. It is extremely popular with passengers of cruise ships that tie up at the nearby passenger ship terminal.


With the backdrop of the Sydney Harbour Bridge and nestled within the historic The Rocks area, the market presents a perfect place for an enjoyable day of browsing arts, crafts and different wares.


It's also an adventure because the market is staggered along four of streets in the heart of The Rocks. Market stalls are set up in local streets lined with cafes and restaurants and an Irish pub. Some of the cafes have backyard outdoor areas that beckon entry to small, mysterious laneways that meander through The Rocks. There is an enormous amount of history in this small district, which is the oldest settled area in Sydney and Australia.


To get to the market from Circular Quay, walk down George Street towards the Sydney Harbour Bridge and turn left into Argyle Street. At this point the market starts with a host of food stalls. Turn right into Playfair Street and the market continues through to Atherden Street before winding its way back to George Street, where the main lot of stalls are set up until canvas sails.


The journey ends at the Mercantile Hotel, an Irish pub at the end of Geoorge Street nestling under the Cahill Expressway and the approach to the harbour bridge.


Under the market sails you'll find stalls selling arts and crafts, photography, australiana, indigenous artware, jewellery, books, soaps and knick-knacks galore. In all there are something like 150 stalls staggered along the course of the market.

The Rocks Market, Sydney

Food stalls pop up amidst stalls selling art, crafts and other wares. Picture:

The Rocks Market, Sydney

Market stalls are sep up in Playfair Street. The historic Argyle Terraces can be seen in the distance on the left.                Picture: ©

The Rocks Market, Sydney

Market stalls in Atherden Street - Sydney's smallest street.  Picture: ©

The Rocks Market, Sydney

Atherden and George streets merge in The Rocks.        Picture: ©

Stalls under the sails at The Rocks Market, Sydney

Browsing through wares on stalls under sails in George Street.  Picture: ©

The Rocks Market and northern end of George Street, Sydney

The main area of the merket at the northern end of George Street. Small cafes populat the terrace houses lining the street.                  Picture: ©

The Rocks Market, Sydney, and mercantile Hotel

The Mercantile Hotel, at the end of George Street, is a popular outdoor dining area for weekend market visitors.                  Picture: ©